However, it is possible to create a fake controllato card, so you may also need to do a closer inspection. Finding this information card is an important point in Gucci authentication because it means the bag has been through the manufacturing process with verified quality. The word “controllato” means “checked” in Italian. Genuine Gucci bags will also have a controllato card. This is very important to keep in mind when shopping from websites like eBay and Facebook Marketplace. If you are purchasing a bag from a resale site, it is possible that the owner may not have the dust bag anymore. Just because your bag doesn’t come with a dust bag doesn’t mean it is fake. The material of the bag should feel soft and silky. However, they are usually black, dark brown, or light brown. The colors of dust bags for modern Gucci bags are different from old ones. Real Gucci made bags will come in a dust bag. The first row is the style number and the second row is the supplier code, or production code. The color of the leather tag should also match the color of the leather on the bag.Īs far as the numbers go, there should be two rows with about 10 to 13 figures. If the figures on the stamp are messy, hard to read, or uneven, you should reconsider the bag’s authenticity. The font of these words should be the same as that of the brand name. The words “made in Italy” should be at the bottom in lowercase letters.

On newer Gucci bags, the word “Gucci” should have interlocking Gs like the double G logo logo. The first thing you should search for after looking up the number is the trademark symbol on the front face of the tag. These heat stamp tags on genuine Gucci bags will always have the same look.
Once you locate the serial number, you can check the bag’s authenticity by using a Gucci serial number lookup online.

The sides of this rectangular tag should not be sewn down. The interior tag should be sewn inside the bag at the top.